

Well, truly I should thank God for friends. A Good friend with good news, or a kind word is probably the best thing in life. The companionship of someone who has your best interests at heart is quite amazing when you think about it.
I should thank those dear friends who so caringly responded to the below post. I'm ok, I'm not distressed, I'm just noticing a bit of a character shift. My 'disposition' is becoming less patient, less concerned for others, less interested. Maybe that's just getting old!? (?) . . .maybe not.

I have a few friendships that stand out in my life. The deepest ones also have an element of tension in them, and a history with a share of conflict. Its difficult to be close to anyone without bumping up against them sometimes I s'pose. I think often, friends are people who struggle together, not against but with each other, and there's something sacred about that. It's like wrestling and hugging are almost the same.

My longest standing friend is a Girl I'll call Wai.
She's 10 days younger than me and we've known each other for 23 years ish, having first swapped gifts and played 'tiggie off ground' and 'what time is it Mr. wolf' at the age of about 7 in a Sheffield junior school.
We've travelled through the years always feeling the gravitational pull of the other person (sometimes strongly, sometimes weakly). We've sometimes spun away from each other and been distant almost to the point of losing touch, sometimes crashed into each other and rowed but, like two planets in a crazy orbit, or a binary star, we have always been connected.
I'm not romantic or sentimental enough anymore to say we will always be friends. I know she and I are not special people. I don't think her qualities put her above others and I know I am not faithful enough to claim I'll always be there for her. Always is a stupid word. What I can talk about is now. Right now, I can't imagine not being her friend.

So, to all my friends, and to anyone who has friends, CHEERS. and God keep you.


Blogger dezy said...

There's an excellent book called 'Woody & Nord; a football friendship' which you will love if you can get your hands on a copy. It's well worth the effort!

1:53 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's beautiful.

6:15 am  

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