
New signings. Hossam Ghaly with his Egyptian Brother Mido above, and below: Danny Murphy who finally did the right thing and came to Tottenham, chatting to Sven's right hand man. Any captions this time Dez?
I wonder what warning signs a christian should look for, that might tell him when a healthy interest tips over into obsession. If I look at my blog and compare it with my fellow's - I do start to wonder...
Berthan for example writes some very edifying thoughtful stuff and encourages the youth that read his blog. Dez, mixes humour with family life very nicely. Yan's blog serves a very important purpose, keeping distant friends and family up to date aswell as giving her a space to think and ask advice. Nora's blog, called 'the book of...' is an entertainingly written evangelical/personal page well worth a look.....
....and here am I having to consciously stop myself from writing about football all the time! I wasn't like this in England!
This weekend, Wigan at home.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tord Grip to Danny Murphy

"This is the invisible ball that will be our secret weapon in the World Cup."

1:03 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh... wow. i don't even know you and you give me such a huge big-up... that's kind of embarrassing... thanks for so much appreciation!

don't compare yourself to other kids - that's so Chinky... so yello - keep it White n sparkly - i say.

anyway, you don't have a wife or a family right? so all that testosterone & energy has to go somewhere! football lovers are given RESPECT where i come from - home of Celtic n Rangers. (& Partick Thistle.) football can be a religion too! at least it's a fun one!

9:39 am  
Blogger Mr.Thomas said...

Nice one dez, I was thinking along those lines myself...Bad luck the other night. I recon your safe in second though. Safer than us in Fourth. Did you play this weekend?

So much appreciation Nora Pan? Didn't think I was flattering you amigo! I'd deffo recommend your page to others to read mate, just as I would all the others on my links list.

Keep it white and sparkley?! Let me think about that...Maybe living in HK is making me a bit hard boiled (white on the outside, yellow in the middle)?!

and Yeah...the old firm supporters do tend to take their footie seriously!

2:19 pm  
Blogger cheryl said...

ryc: i'm not quite trying to say that foreigners are being unfair to any HK locals. my point is, i'm pretty pissed that my society generally values foreigners more than locals/Chinese. oh well, except you're rich.

yesterday night i was watching a HK TV show and it talked about refugees in HK. i have to admit that there definitely are foreigners who don't live such a middle-class life... and honestly i appreciate that fact that you're a NET teacher. i always want to be a teacher.

no, i don't work at central. in fact i'm now living in LA, studying and working.

5:08 pm  
Blogger Mr.Thomas said...

Fair comment I recon. There're things about anglo-saxon culture that make me want to hit something.
The scale that runs from the 'memoirs of a geisha' romanticisation of asians all the way down to the filth of sex tourism, is something that I'm ashamed of for example.

Being outside our home country gives us a new perspective right?

7:38 pm  
Blogger cheryl said...

It is always the case. A man can never remain in his own bubble for too long. But it could be painful when the bubble is gone.

Personally I don't think you have to be ashamed of anything... sometimes things are just destined to be what they are now.

So how is teaching? It looks fun.

9:16 am  
Blogger Mr.Thomas said...

Destiny? That's a whole other question, an interesting one too.

I think HK, being sutch a busy city, is full of people in bubbles. Ipod plugged in, eyes forward, trying to get from A to B as fast as possible. That makes it very comfortable for someone who doesn't want to connect.

Are you HK educated? Yah, teaching is often fun, but it does tend to take over your life and the work load is heavy for a lazy white boy like me.

1:49 pm  
Blogger cheryl said...

I bet paranoia is one of the side-effects for growing up in this petite place. Yes I was educated in HK until Form 7. So even for now I strive hard to break my own bubble but then I just don't always feel comfortable when strangers approach me (in a friendly way). Neither would I initiate a conversation. But still like most of the time when I come across my people I still feel like they're cold-hearted...

And it feels so strange that, when I realize that I can't identify with any foreign cultures; I don't identify with mine either. I just don't know. But it's true that being away from home makes you reflect a lot.

I still don't know whether I should become a teacher later on. But I couldn't think of any other profession that might interest me... and seriously I would like to do something for my society. Alas, the career field just doesn't look good at all now *sigh*

2:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

see? u can do it: ur analogy was aight. kinda thing i would say... jus copy n learn. copy the way your favourite journalist/commentator writes/speaks n Bara-bing Bara-boom - sexed up English with a refreshingly modern zing! ...white n sparkly like a gin and tonic. it is what it is. my white friends don't seem to compare themselves to others anywhere near as compulsively as my yellow friends do: japs/malays/chinks.

i wish i knew more about football. it's a beautiful sport n great to play, superb for crossing cultural or social barriers too - but especially useful for drawing analogies i think. (judging by my youth pastor's talks)

did you know that in UK there's reverse racism in institutions? bit like our secret underlying version of African Affirmation only this time for Asians.(well... by institutions i mean forward thinking institutions) ie. at my art school - i found out from senior staff - they give precidence to Chinese/Indian ethinic group kids (race over portfolios!!!?) cuz they realise that it takes Asians a certain amount of Guts to break the cultural/parent-pleasing mindset and enter the arts. Also, the 10 yr plan for my school is to section off 10% of the pretty-darn-prestigious and highly-sought-after places at the Glasgow School of Art for students from the motherland China. (Asian fetish on overdrive I think) Watch out white people! We may be small but we have power in sheer numbers. And we're EVERYWHERE...

12:48 am  
Blogger Mr.Thomas said...

Cheryl, my new friend, I do know what you mean. Post modern, self-aware intellectuals like us, see things in shades of grey. Teaching and God have stopped me descending into comfortable detatchment and I do recommend the job to you, despite the fact I want to do something else.
Teaching can be meaningful, or a factory job, depending on what you make of it.

Nora woman, I love your pop-art english but I don't want to copy it! I don't think I could.....You think fast! I like to strip everything down when I write. Geoffrey Household is a writer who's style I might want to copy. But I agree, copying is a good way to start.
When I was at University in Liverpool, I had a short story published called 'The Chalk Road' When I read it now I think its crap, but It was very bear and linear, no decoration not much imagery, almost the opposite to your style.

You're so right about footie. Here in HK, I can make an instant connection with any teen age boy by talking about football. The English Premiership is massive everywhere it seems.

My team doesn't play for two weeks now....I'm lost.

1:36 pm  
Blogger Nora said...

as much as i'd like to carry on our conversation, i've come up with a quick analogy for you, since you like football :)

maybe in those two weeks tottenham aren't playing you can give them to God. (maybe?) by the sounds of what you have been saying, it's like you've been sitting on the bench n watching your team-mates play in quiet discontent - I think it might be time for you to get out there on the field and try out for Man of the Match.


i'd love to swap you my 'best'ever story for your one. didn't realise you studied English - i'm really sorry about my grammar and my awful spelling - i'm just too lazy and arty to care. (my maths also suffers)

hope i haven't been too blunt/WIDE

9:17 am  
Blogger Mr.Thomas said...

Thanks Nora, I'll have a think about that.

10:17 am  
Blogger Jules said...

Yes, Mr. Egg. I cannot participate in your football blog entries...being that I'm American. The only thing I can refer to is this pic I took, because I remember Bert mentioned something about this team when I was in England.

I'm opposite of an egg. I'm a Twinkie or a Banana.

4:15 pm  
Blogger Mr.Thomas said...

Racial hormony depends on whether or not we can make a delicious dessert out of all these yummy ingredients. An egg, twinkie and banana dreamboat with maybe some chocolate sauce and a cherry. This is how the world should be. I can feel a song coming on......

12:52 am  

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