Today I enjoyed a real bellow at a form two class that was being noisy outside my classroom. I enjoy the occasions where I get the chance to fill my lungs and stun a group of teens into silence.
"How dare you disturb my listening exercise!?...Walk silently up the stairs NOW!"
Luckily my voice didn't crack. When that happens, when I slip accidentally into a girlie falcetto mid way through a powerplay, there is no coming back. All authority is gone and you have to recover by laughing with the kids.. . . . .But there's a little dictator in everyone and being a secondary school teacher gives my Hitler complex plenty of exercise. Today it worked nicely.
My blood pressure: 88/129
resting pulse: 49 bpm.
better watch that temper Mr Thomas.
some kids must be thinking "what the heck he thinks he is?" :D
Raaaar!!! Fah fah! I say Old chap! Good show.
Radio 1 this morning: Molysey was talking about how the English aren't patriotic enough. No flag hanging - nothing like us Scots or the Irish or the Welsh. like your flag / cushion - v.Brit-pop. I think you should paint the whole wall as a flag haha - to remind you of your roots.
are you a scouse? you say you studied in liverpool which implies that you may not have come from there. anyway - i love the Beatles and i love scouse accents.
realising that you TEACH English blows me away even more at your appraisals. i write for God - He is my muse n i'm trying to prove to myself (by the end of my life) that I can be as creatively geniUS as Jimi or Lennon without the shortcut of drugs/alcohol - v... NOT hip - the adverse rockstar - i'm a wannabe Leonardo Da Vinci - studying a course for inventors. (so i also write to retain my literacy/prevent myself from talking in engineering numbers and symbols)
Cheryl,..I'm sure you're right...They're good people really, just p"** me off sometimes and I do enjoy a good shout once in a while.
If I had done that when I was teaching in the UK, they definitely wouldn't have backed down. Teachers still have some power in HK. In the UK, the power has shifted to the 'consumer/student'
Wot Ho Nora!...I'm looking forward to seeing how you're writing develops by jove! Jolly spiffing already, and as you get older it'll change....I wonder how...... . .
I have family in Brighton and Sheffield, I grew in London, Kent, Coventry, Sheffield. Did my undergraduate in Lovely Liverpool and teacher training in Sheffield. A can fake a scouse accent but I speak a boring Recieved Pronounciation English with no regional accent (having moved around so much as a wee lad)
I recon Cheryl must sound like a Los Angeles Lounge Lizard by now and Nora must speak an Iron Bru flavoured 300 words per minute?
By the way, its the BRITISH flag I'm slouching on, not the English St. Georges cross. Do you Scotts feel particularly British?
NO. what a silly question. altho I secretly do. (closet Brit ... i incorporate a u.j (union jack) bandana for my pj's)
well that's why i said i liked it. i don't like the St.Georges Cross - too... what's that nasty word again... uh. English?
i'm extremely proud of the Brit style. a well thought through ecclectic mix of this n that, old n new, giving ancient ideas a new twist. prime example: the London skyline ... ancient monumental power-buildings right next to fallic pieces of sci-fi material - it's clearly not just 'new money'. [cheap] (some Asian cities are getting a bit like that - just ignoring the depleting/poor/old in blind want of catching up with the West) we appreciate our history [maybe sometimes a bit too much] (like the Chinese). a bit like vivienne westwood's tartan collections each season (if you're into fashion.) i probably just like it cus it's TARTAN.
whats happening Tor-Mar-Seeee.
relax already.
I need a year off my debonnaire friend.
...cold rage on the street...
...The emotional violence of the classroom...
...taking it five ways from unreasonable superiors...
...not praying enough...
...going to the gym too much...
Oh, to be in England, now that spring is here....
I miss the real-ness of life back in the UK. Here is unreal, too much to do.
I'll be back in the summer.
Strangely enough I feel like quitting my job too.
Let's see: the pay is not very good, the work is pretty hectic, you have continue to work at home most of the time, I can't say I get a lot of job satisfaction, I have no idea whether the students are learning anything, there is no chance of any promotion or pay rise...
I don't know if it's just the 3.33am tiger in me talking. Does anything make sense at this time? I'm up preparing exams, lesson plans and marking. Why do I bother?
I sometimes wonder why don't I get a job where you do the work from 9-5pm and have it all finished so that you can go home and have a life. Oh, I can't. Those 2 words 'work' & 'permit.'
Well life could be worse. I could be in the meat packing industry in the US of A.
I'll be home on the end of July and the start of August...I can almost taste the pasties.
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