I read somewhere recently that part of the football attraction is that its more unpredictable than other sports. Lists are always fun.....
My Favourite 5 sports to watch:
1. Football (soccer) Because I love my team...
2. Curling. (really funny to watch and has the wonderous laws of physics on display.)
3. Crown green bowling. (Newtonian physics baby)
4. Volleyball. (Real team game)
5. Snooker. (psychological battle)
My Least favourote 5 sports to watch:
1. Golf. (did you know there are 238 divvets on the surface of a golf ball? Exciting....huh.)
2. WWF. (50% soap opera, 50% circus, 50% morality play.)
3. Tennis. (the modern players have no charisma! I want Ivan (the terminator) Lendl against Bjorn (underwear king) Borg.
4. Formula 1 racing. (round, and round, and round, and round...)
5. Cricket. (even after three days, you cant tell who's winning.)
what about you? This is not only for the fella's.