
New signings. Hossam Ghaly with his Egyptian Brother Mido above, and below: Danny Murphy who finally did the right thing and came to Tottenham, chatting to Sven's right hand man. Any captions this time Dez?
I wonder what warning signs a christian should look for, that might tell him when a healthy interest tips over into obsession. If I look at my blog and compare it with my fellow's - I do start to wonder...
Berthan for example writes some very edifying thoughtful stuff and encourages the youth that read his blog. Dez, mixes humour with family life very nicely. Yan's blog serves a very important purpose, keeping distant friends and family up to date aswell as giving her a space to think and ask advice. Nora's blog, called 'the book of...' is an entertainingly written evangelical/personal page well worth a look.....
....and here am I having to consciously stop myself from writing about football all the time! I wasn't like this in England!
This weekend, Wigan at home.....